About John Tarducci, MIRM, CMP, CRB
Senior Vice President Marketing & Operations - New Development Services Office
18 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116
Email: John.Tarducci@raveis.com
| Office: 203-925-4587
Website: JohnTarducci.raveis.com

Agent Credentials
Senior Vice President of New Development Services
John Tarducci has spearheaded successful marketing and sales programs in the residential construction and real estate industry for over 30 years. As the Senior Vice President of William Raveis Real Estate's New Developer Services, John has marketed and sold nearly 3,000 units representing over $3 billion in new construction. All told, New Developer Services has marketed over 10,000 units, over $6 billion in new construction. John has created effective and profitable programs to market new construction at every price level and in every environment, from suburban, single-family homes to high-rise urban, in-fill communities. A sought-after business partner, John has worked with boutique single builders, as well as national builders. He interacts with an exclusive group of nationally known new construction marketing professionals who are leaders in their field. With a keen knowledge of current and emerging trends, styles and designs, John has designed sensible options and profitable solutions to even the most challenging situations. John is one of fewer than 300 nationwide, and only a handful of individuals in the Northeast, to be recognized by the National Association of Home Builders and the National Sales and Marketing Council with the Master in Residential Marketing (MIRM) and the Certified Marketing Professional (CMP) designations.
Professional Association
- Connecticut HBA
- Massachusetts HBA
- New York HBA
- National Association of Home Builders
- Nation and Local Sales & Marketing Council
- Institute of Residential Marketing
- NAHB - MIRM - Masters in Residential Marketing
- NAHB - CMP - Certified New Homes Marketing Professional
- Over 30 years of successful marketing and sales of new construction throughout New England
- Senior Vice President - New Homes