Maureen Collins
REALTOR - Andover Office
12 Bartlet Street, Andover, MA 01810
Email: Maureen.Collins@raveis.com
| Cell: 978.886.7679 | Office: 978.475.5100
Website: https://maureencollins.raveis.com

Official Real Estate
Company of the
Boston Red Sox
"Maureen is the most professional sales associate I've ever worked with." 6 Foster Circle Andover, MA
"We received expert advice from our listing agent on how to prepare the home for sale and how to price it based on other homes in the area. She was attentive to all details of negotiation and compliance in order to assure the home passed inspections once an offer was received. Excellent service!"
Deb Lang
"Maureen Collins sold our house within 48 hours of listing, we immediately accepted the offer!
<br />Process couldn't have been easier for us."
Phillip Pierce (Andover, MA)
"Maureen provided exceptional quidance and identified the correct time to list our house for maximum results."
Phillip Pierce (Andover, MA)
"Maureen's expertise, dedication, and energy were so valuable to us. She never hesitated to show us any house we expressed interest in - and there were a lot! She gave us great advice & guidance throughout the process and strongly represented our interests during the offer/negotiation process. We highly recommend her to anyone looking for a home, particularly first time homeowners who need extra attention & support."
Samantha Vialva (Arlington, MA)