Builder & Developer Services
The Power of
we've got it
› Established over 30 years ago
› Over 10,000 units
› Over $6 billion in volume
Our results
speak for themselves.
Whether you seek fully integrated support from concept through completion or wish to select specific services, our program can be created to suit your exact needs. While we excel in providing turn-key sales and marketing programs from project inception, The New Development Services is frequently called upon to reposition underperforming properties and orchestrate a re-launch that revives stalled sales programs.
Our award-winning team has experience in marketing a wide range of developments, including: single family communities, high-rise, mid-rise, mixed use, town homes, urban infill, conversions, high-end luxury condominiums, vacation homes and suburban waterfront properties.
Call us at 203.925.4587 or email us at: