Sudbury Massachusetts Homes For Sale

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to view homes for sale in Sudbury, MA or visit our nearest office!

$3,250,000   Click for more details  Price Reduced

999 Concord Rd
Sudbury, MA 01776

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$3,250,000   Click for more details  Price Reduced

999 Concord Rd
Sudbury, MA 01776

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$1,925,000   Click for more details

81 Phillips Road
Sudbury, MA 01776

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Sudbury is an ideal blend of old and new - it maintains a rural landscape with its stone walls and farmlands while being banked by new homes as well as many historical antique homes. It is steeped in history, featuring the Henry Ford's Wayside Inn, the Martha Mary Chapel and the famous Little Red School House. Demand for single family homes in Sudbury in the 1990's created the need for subdivisions of larger homes with neighborhoods. New homes for sale in Sudbury are still affordable compared to some of its sister towns, eg Concord, Lincoln and Weston. Because of the highly rated schools Sudbury has evolved into one of Boston's finest bedroom communities, located 15 minutes from major commuting routes and shopping malls.

William Raveis - Real Estate Services In Massachusetts

Welcome to William Raveis Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance, the largest family-owned company in the Northeast serving Sudbury Massachusetts. For 39 years, our dedicated mortgage, new homes, international and relocation divisions have provided the resources and experience to find the perfect home for you, whether you're a first time homebuyer, raising a family or downsizing. Since our establishment in 1974 - William Raveis Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance has experienced steady growth primarily through the sale of Sudbury.

Today, William Raveis Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance maintains the largest database of Sudbury Massachusetts homes for sale and has a network of 85 sales offices and 3,500 sales associates and/or Realtors. Our Connecticut real estate and Massachusetts real estate sales have topped the $5.6 billion mark, and we've closed more than $9 billion worth of mortgage loans. No other real estate firm in Sudbury Massachusetts has grown as rapidly under the same owner or has offered such innovative programs and home ownership services to its customers.

Please take some time to explore our website and call us with any questions you might have concerning Sudbury Massachusetts homes for sale. We promise we'll never be too busy to remember what got us to where we are today - you, the customer!